When the first time I have deconstructed a fractal image, it's not been a good experiment, but all experimental artist know that the wrong attempt sometimes open new ways on different horizon. The image is still in the web and sometimes come out from the memories of google search... Sometimes maybe we are very conscious where we want to go but it's not always the initial path the right way to began because it's uneven, above all "the technique needs time to be refined and the theory needs time to be developed" . The first images used were bidimensional and today I yet continue to work on that technique to deconstruct the fractal images inspite there are 3D software for fractal art and I often work with generative art where I use algorithm in movement rather then static images. The choise to deconstruct a fractal image it's not a chance; the fractal images are interesting but I wanted something different; I wanted my fractal images will be recognizable for e
Rosanna Casalnuovo | “Every project is never the solitary expression of a concept but it represents the synthesis of a complex thinking.”